The Augmented Matrix

Let $AX=b$ be a system of linear equations where $A$ is an $m\times n$ matrix and $b$ is an $m\times 1$ column vector.

<aside> 💡 The augmented matrix of this system is defined as the matrix of size $m \times (n+1)$ whose first $n$ columns are the columns of $A$ and the last column is $b$.


<aside> 💡

We denote the augmented matrix by $[A|b]$ and put a vertical line between the first $n$ columns and the last column $b$ while writing it.


The Gaussian Elimination Method

  1. Form the augmented matrix of the system $[A|b]$.
  2. Perform the same operations on $[A|b]$ that were used to bring $A$ into the reduced row echelon form.
  3. Let $R$ be the submatrix of the obtained matrix of the first $n$ columns and $c$ be the submatrix of the obtained matrix consisting of the last column.
  1. Form the corresponding system of linear equations $RX=c$.
  2. Find ALL the solutions of $RX=c$ and hence of $AX=b$.

Homogeneous System of Linear Equations

<aside> 💡 0 is always a solution of a homogeneous system of linear equations $AX=0$. This solution is called Trivial Solution.


For a homogeneous system, there are only two different possibilities:

  1. 0 is the unique solution.
  2. There are infinitely many solutions other than 0.

In a homogeneous system of equations, if there are more variables than equations, then it is guaranteed to have non-trivial solutions.