<aside> πŸ’‘ Java has an organizational unit called package.


Can use import to use packages directly: import java.math.BigDecimal

<aside> πŸ’‘ Note that * is not recursive. β†’ Cannot write : import java.* β†’ Will NOT import all packages in java.


Creating and Naming Packages

The naming convention for packages in java is similar to Internet Domain name, but in reverse:

Add a package header to include a class in a packge:

package in.ac.iitm.onlinedegree;

public class Employee { ... }
// This class is now available in the above defined package.

<aside> πŸ’‘ By default, all classes in a directory belong to the same anonymous package.


More About Visibility

<aside> πŸ’‘ If we don’t specify modifiers, the default visibility is public within the package. (Applies to both methods and variables)


We can also restrict visibility with respect to the class inheritance hierarchy β†’ i.e, visibile to subclasses only.