Equivalent Conditions for $B$ to be a Basis

The following conditions are equivalent to a subset $B \subseteq V$ being a basis:

<aside> 1️⃣ $B$ is linearly independent and $span(B)=V$


<aside> 2️⃣ $B$ is a maximal linearly independent set.


Maximal linearly independent:

  1. It is linearly independent.
  2. Appending any vector makes it linearly dependent.

<aside> 3️⃣ $B$ is a minimal spanning set.


Minimal Spanning set:

  1. It is spanning.
  2. It is no longer spanning if we delete any vector.

How do we find a Basis?

We can find a basis by any one of the methods described below:

  1. Start with the $\phi$ and keep appending vectors which are not in the span of the set thus far obtained, until we obtain a spanning set.
  2. Take a spanning set and keep deleting vectors which are linear combinations of other vectors, until the remaining vectors satisfy that they are not a linear combination of the other remaining ones.